The Best Fertilizers for Apple Trees in Backyards or Orchards

Picking and eating a fresh apple right off the tree is one of fall's greatest delights. Feeding the tree with the best fruit-tree fertilizer will help ensure a delicious harvest.

Best Overall

Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes on a white background

Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes

Best Bang For The Buck

Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Fertilizer on a white background

Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Plant Food

Best For Health

Humboldts Secret Golden Tree Additive on a white background

Humboldts Secret Supplies Golden Tree Additive

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Most apple varieties mature in autumn when the temperatures start to moderate, and the bright greens of spring and summer give way to softer shades of tan and gold. Few things are more rewarding than picking a homegrown apple off the tree in your backyard and savoring its sweet tang. To get to that point, however, a few steps are necessary along the way: The grower must control unwanted pests by spraying the trees, provide water if it doesn’t rain, and—for the largest, tastiest apples—apply a fertilizer earlier in the season. 

Brigitte Zettl, director of horticultural production at Stark Bro’s Nurseries & Orchards Co., provided valuable insights about the key nutrients that should be considered essential in fertilizers for apple trees. She explained that the primary nutrients required for any plant are nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. “These macronutrients play many physiological roles in your tree, but the simplified explanation is that nitrogen promotes vegetative growth, phosphorus supports flowers and fruiting, and potassium builds strong healthy roots,” says Zettl.

Hundreds of fruit-fertilizerproducts are on the market, but not all are suitable for growing apples. Our preferred fertilizer for apple trees is the Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes. These easy-to-use spikes release nutrients directly into the root zone, promoting strong fruit, citrus, and palm trees.Ahead, learn what to look for when shopping for fertilizer and find out why the following products earned a spot on this lineup of the best fertilizers for apple trees.

Best Fertilizer For Watermelon Options
  1. BEST OVERALL: Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes
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  2. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Plant Food 
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  3. BEST FOR HEALTH: Humboldts Secret Supplies Golden Tree Additive
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  4. BEST BALANCED PICK: Southern Ag All-Purpose Granular Fertilizer
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  5. BEST WITH MICROBES: Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer
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  6. MOST VERSATILE: Down to Earth All-Natural Organic Fruit Tree Mix
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  7. ALSO CONSIDER: Espoma Organic Tree-tone Fruit & Shade Tree Food
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How We Chose the Best Fertilizer for Apple Trees

We conducted extensive research into dozens of today’s best-selling brands of fruit-tree fertilizers when considering the top picks for this list. We looked closely at national brands with stellar reputations, such as Jobe’s and Miracle-Gro. Still, we didn’t automatically eliminate smaller or niche brands if their products contained the nutrients known to boost apple tree health. 

We considered both synthetic and natural formulations, price, and buyer satisfaction. The products also had to be straightforward and relatively easy to apply to make our final cut. We allowed for some measuring and mixing, but we didn’t select products that required calculating complex formulas or those unsuited to young and mature apple trees. 

Our Top Picks

The best apple tree fertilizermay not be labeled exclusively for apple trees, but it will contain the nutrients necessary for healthy growth and fruit production. Most general fruit-tree fertilizersare highly beneficial for feeding apple trees. The following products are all well suited for use on apple trees for overall health and ample fruit production, even though they vary slightly in composition.

Best Overall

Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes

 Miracle-Gro Fruit & Citrus Plant Food Spikes on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs

  • Type: Spikes
  • NPK: 10-15-15
  • Organic: No

What We Like

  • Requires no mixing or measuring
  • Provides continuous nutrient release
  • Boosts health and blossom production

What We Don’t Like

  • Spikes may break in hard soil

A healthy apple tree is one that will produce tasty fruits in the fall. Miracle-Gro’s Fruit and Citrus Plant Food Spikes, with a 10-15-15 NPK ratio, are designed to boost the tree’s overall health; help it resist stressful conditions, such as slight drought; and encourage blossom production.

The spikes contain some natural ingredients but are not certified as organic. Each package contains 12 spikes that can be driven into the ground using a hammer or mallet. The Miracle-Gro spikes dissolve gradually to provide a gentle but continuous supply of nutrients that the apple tree’s roots will absorb. 

For the best results, position the spikes just below the tree’s dripline (the outside perimeter of its branches) and space them 3 feet apart. The total number of spikes needed will depend on the size of the tree. Use the spikes in spring and again in fall for year-round feeding

Get the Miracle-Gro fertilizer for apples trees at Amazon, Ace Hardware, or Lowe’s.

Best Bang For The Buck

Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Plant Food

 Jobe’s Organics Fruit & Nut Granular Fertilizer on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs

  • Type: Granular
  • NPK: 3-5-5
  • Organic: Yes

What We Like

  • Enhances tree health significantly
  • Promotes blossom production effectively
  • Utilizes organic materials exclusively
  • Offers affordability

What We Don’t Like

  • Requires reapplication every 4 to 6 weeks

Growers and home orchardists don’t have to spend a lot to get a high-quality fruit-tree fertilizer that will boost apple production. Jobe’s Organics Fruit and Nut Granular Fertilizer features an NPK ratio of 3-5-5, formulated to encourage root development, reduce stress from extreme temperatures or drought, and boost overall tree health. Best of all, it’s budget-friendly. 

The product comes in granulated form for sprinkling around the base of fruit, nut, or citrus trees, and it is suitable for fertilizing newly planted saplings and mature apple trees. The organic ingredients, including bone meal, are beneficial for all fruit trees, including apple trees. This is a relatively mild fertilizer, so plan on applying it every 4 to 6 weeks throughout the growing season.

Get the Jobe’s fertilizer for apple trees at Ace Hardware, The Home Depot, or Amazon.

Best For Health

Humboldts Secret Supplies Golden Tree Additive

 Humboldts Secret Golden Tree Additive on a white background

Product Specs

  • Type: Water-soluble granules
  • NPK: 0-0-2
  • Organic: No

What We Like

  • Encourages tree health effectively
  • Improves soil with quality ingredients
  • Works well as spray or pour

What We Don’t Like

  • Lacks actual nitrogen and phosphorus

Don’t let the 0-0-2 NPK ratio discourage you from trying Humboldts Secret Supplies Golden Tree Additive. While the product contains only potassium (not phosphorus or nitrogen fertilizer), the manufacturer has added other amendments not reflected in the NPK number, including kelp, carbs, and other trace minerals. 

The potassium in Golden Tree Additive will help boost an apple tree’s overall health, while the other ingredients will improve soil quality and can increase the tree’s uptake of natural nutrients as well as the ability to utilize sunlight, rain, and air to its maximum benefit. The granular fertilizer is water-soluble and, once diluted as recommended on the package, can be either poured around the tree’s base, sprayed on its foliage, or both.

Get the Humboldts fertilizer for apple trees at Amazon or Humboldts.

Best Balanced Pick

Southern Ag All-Purpose Granular Fertilizer

 Southern Ag All Purpose Fertilizer on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs

  • Type: Granular
  • NPK: 10-10-10
  • Organic: No

What We Like

  • Offers a balanced blend of nutrients
  • Provides added trace minerals
  • Is easy to apply

What We Don’t Like

  • Requires measuring

For growers in search of a fertilizer that covers all bases, consider Southern Ag All- Purpose Fertilizer, which features a balanced 10-10-10 NPK ratio of nutrients. Southern Ag is well suited for improving tree growth, overall health, and fruit production with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains additional trace elements, including sulfur, boron, and zinc, that help replenish soil deficiencies. 

Southern Ag fertilizer is a granular formulation that is made to sprinkle around the base of the tree. The grower then waters the area, which allows the fertilizer to dissolve and soak into the soil where the tree’s roots absorb it.

Get the Southern Ag fertilizer for apple trees at Amazon.

Best With Microbes

Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer

 Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs

  • Type: Granular
  • NPK: 5-5-2
  • Organic: Yes

What We Like

  • Made from natural ingredients
  • Suitable fertilizer for fruit trees
  • Provides a comprehensive mix of nutrients

What We Don’t Like

  • Requires working into the soil

Those looking for an organic fertilizer that contains added nutrients need look no further than Dr. Earth Natural Wonder Fruit Tree Fertilizer. It features a 5-5-2 NPK ratio designed to boost tree and foliage growth and encourage abundant blossoms. In addition, Dr. Earth’s formulation includes microbes, probiotics, and prebiotics that improve soil quality and enhance the tree’s ability to absorb nutrients. 

This is an organic blend and does not contain any synthetics, chemicals, or GMO ingredients. It’s suitable for use in an organic orchard and can be used on other fruit trees and bushes. The granules should be mixed with the soil when planting young apple trees and saplings. For established apple trees, they should be sprinkled around the dripline, worked into the ground, and then watered in.

Get the Dr. Earth fertilizer for apple trees at Lowe’s, The Home Depot (1 lb. bag), or Amazon.

Most Versatile

Down to Earth All-Natural Organic Fruit Tree Mix

 Down to Earth All-Natural Organic Fruit Tree Mix on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs 

  • Type: Granular
  • NPK: 6-2-4
  • Organic: Yes

What We Like

  • Made from natural plant, animal, or mineral sources
  • Provides primary nutrients plus added calcium
  • Enhances soil health without the use of harmful chemicals
  • Helps regulate  calcium deficiencies 

What We Don’t Like

  • May require multiple applications 

Down to Earth All-Natural Organic Fruit Tree Mix is a specialized fertilizer designed to cater to a diverse array of fruit trees, not limited to just apples. This unique blend is formulated to support all phases of tree growth, providing a balanced nutritional profile with an NPK ratio of 6-2-4, supplemented with added calcium to facilitate proper fruit development.

The organic composition of this fertilizer ensures that no harmful chemicals reach the fruit or the surrounding environment. However, regular applications are required to maintain optimal nutrient uptake levels due to its organic composition and granular nature. Therefore, it may require consistent effort and investment over time. Nonetheless, this fertilizer is highly acclaimed for its adaptability and ability to accommodate various fruit trees and environmental conditions. It is an ideal choice for gardeners looking for a comprehensive solution for their orchards.

Get the Down to Earth fertilizer for apple trees at Amazon.

Also Consider

Espoma Organic Tree-tone Fruit & Shade Tree Food

 Espoma Organic Tree-tone Fruit & Shade Tree Food on a white background
Photo: Amazon

Product Specs

  • Type: Granular
  • NPK: 6-3-2
  • Organic: Yes

What We Like

  • Slow-release formula provides a steady supply of nutrients
  • Safe for use around pets and humans
  • Enriched with beneficial microbes

What We Don’t Like

  • Large trees require poking holes in the ground

Another excellent natural pick, Espoma Organic Tree-tone Fruit and Shade Tree Food offers a 6-3-2 NPK ratio. It’s designed to help young trees grow firm limbs and branches while providing the nutrient combination necessary for root development and blossom production. It’s also well suited for helping trees develop resistance to natural stressors, such as extreme temps or slight drought conditions and disease

The Espoma brand is well known for its top-notch organic products, and Tree-tone is no exception. In addition to the standard nutrients, this product provides calcium, which strengthens fruit cells and can extend the fruit’s shelf life. This Espoma fertilizer can be sprinkled around the base of small apple trees, but feeding large trees requires poking holes in the ground and then filling them with the granules.

Get the Espoma fertilizer for apple trees at Amazon, Ace Hardware, or Park Seed.

Jump to Our Top Picks

What to Consider When Choosing a Fertilizer for Apple Trees

Selecting the best fertilizer for fruit trees depends on what the grower wants to accomplish. Some fertilizers provide essential nutrients for overall tree health, while others are designed to encourage blossom production or boost root development. Still, others may be formulated to correct deficiencies in the soil.

Soil and pH Level

Apple trees aren’t too picky about the type of soil they grow in—they can survive and produce fruit in moderate clay-type soils or even rocky and gravelly soils. They typically do best in soils full of nutrients, slightly sandy, or containing ample amounts of loam. 

Its acid/alkaline balance or pH level is more important than the soil type. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 considered neutral. Numbers higher than 7 are progressively more alkaline, while those lower than 7 are more acidic. Apple trees do best in slightly acidic soil, ranging from 5.8 to 7.0 on the pH scale. 

Many soil types fall within that pH range, but if yours doesn’t, it could result in poor tree health, slow growth, or failure to produce fruit. Fertilizers are typically not suitable for correcting (amending) pH-level issues. For the best results (and advice), contact your local extension agency and bring in a soil sample for testing. Based on the test results, they can recommend a product like lime or compost to bring the soil into a more appropriate pH balance.

NPK Ratio

When shopping for the best fertilizer for apple trees, most growers notice a three-number ratio that often appears on the front of the package. It’s usually accompanied by the letters “NPK,” which represent the nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Sometimes, the “K” stands for potash, a type of potassium, and the “P” stands for phosphate, a kind of phosphorus.

The NPK ratio of a fertilizer denotes the percentage of each nutrient by weight. For example, a 10-pound bag of fertilizer with a 10-10-10 NPK ratio will contain 1 pound each of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Each of the nutrients performs a different function when feeding an apple tree. 

  • Nitrogen: The first nutrient in the NPK ratio, nitrogen, boosts green leaf and branch growth. A small apple sapling might benefit more from nitrogen than a mature tree because the sapling is still growing.
  • Phosphorus: This nutrient promotes the growth of strong, healthy roots, which can help anchor an apple tree in areas with high winds. It also helps boost blossom production, so it can be beneficial for helping produce a bountiful harvest.
  • Potassium: Besides boosting the apple tree’s overall health, making it more likely to withstand extreme temperatures or slight droughts, potassium helps the tree maximize the amount of nutrients it absorbs. 

Inorganic vs. Organic

The nutrients in a fertilizer product may be either inorganic (synthetic) or organic (natural), but an apple tree uses both fertilizers the same way. Growers, however, may prefer one or the other.

  • Inorganic: Synthetic fertilizers are created in the lab to produce the same nutrients as organic fertilizers but often at a reduced cost. They will be just as beneficial to the tree as natural fertilizers are. A potential downside is that some inorganic fertilizers can be high in salt content, which may leach into the soil or waterways and destroy natural microorganisms important to ecological health.
  • Organic: Natural and derived from sources such as chicken manure or blood meal, organic fertilizers don’t contain chemical or synthetic ingredients. Some growers prefer these natural nutrient boosters for protecting the environment and because they want the apples to be as natural as possible. The downside is that commercial organic fertilizers can be pricey. On the other hand, coffee grounds are a popular homemade fertilizer for apple treesbecause they’re free and offer a range of mild nutrients, including phosphorus and nitrogen. Feel free to sprinkle spent coffee grounds around the base of apple trees any time of year.

Application Method

Fertilizer for apple trees comes in three main types: spikes, liquid, and granular. Each type is applied differently. 

  • Spikes: One of the simplest ways to fertilize apple trees is with spikes made from nutrients driven into the ground around the tree’s trunk with a hammer. The spikes dissolve slowly, gradually releasing vital nutrients absorbed by the tree’s roots.
  • Liquid: For growers who want to give their apple trees a quick boost, liquid fertilizers may be the way to go. They come in ready-to-apply and concentrated liquids and are sprayed on the apple tree’s foliage, where they’re rapidly absorbed and go to work.
  • Granules: Granular fertilizers can be applied to the ground beneath an apple tree by sprinkling out of a cup or with a drop spreader if the grower is fertilizing multiple trees, but the granules may also be water-soluble. Water-soluble granules often come in a hose-end applicator that automatically dilutes and disperses the solution as the grower sprays the tree.

Tips for When to Fertilize Apple Trees

It’s a rare soil that naturally provides all the nutrients an apple tree needs to produce a bountiful harvest. Knowing when to fertilize fruit trees is key. “Before applying anything, it’s a good idea to get a soil test from your local university extension office,” says Zettl. “It may be that your soil is already naturally high in nutrients like potassium, and there is no need to apply this.” She goes on to explain that fertilizer should not be applied when the tree is not actively growing. “This can encourage pest and disease problems as well as burn the roots,” explains Zettl.

The following tips can help:

  • Fertilize an apple tree right after transplanting it to help it develop a robust root system.
  • Fertilize young apple trees that have not yet reached their mature height in the spring and again in the fall after the leaves have dropped.
  • Mature apple trees only need one feeding per year in spring. 


In most types of soil, growing apple trees isn’t too challenging, and many apple trees will start producing apples after a few years, even without feedings. However, applying fertilizer is a good idea for those who want healthier trees and more apples. Newbie growers may have a few questions.

Q. What do fertilizers provide for apple trees?

Fertilizers offer various amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—minerals absorbed by the tree’s roots and leaves to boost health, fight disease, and increase blossom production.

Q. How do I get my apple tree to produce fruit?

The apple tree age determines when it produces fruit. Many do not produce fruit for the first 3 to 5 years, but after that, they can produce apples annually. Apply a balanced fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 NPK or a 5-5-5 NPK, to give the tree ample nutrients for fruit production and shoot growth. Supply water during times of drought as well.

Q. How often should you fertilize apple trees?

There are a few general rules for when to fertilize apple trees,but not all products are the same. Fertilize a new sapling at the time of planting and then every spring and fall until it reaches mature growth. Mature apple trees only need to be fertilized once a year, in the spring. While those are rules of thumb, some fertilizer products suggest feeding the trees more often, so follow package directions.

Q. How do you increase the size of an apple fruit?

In addition to fertilizing apple trees on the suggested schedule, remember that the apples draw nutrients and energy from the tree. Growers often pinch off more than two or three apples per cluster (as soon as the fruits start to develop), making for fewer but larger apples.

Q. How much fertilizer does an apple tree need?

That all depends on its size and the fertilizer product. The package instructions should recommend the amount of product to use based on the tree size.

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Glenda Taylor

Staff Writer

Glenda Taylor is a staff writer with a background in the residential remodeling, home building, and home improvement industries. She started writing for in 2016 and covers a range of topics, including construction methods, code compliance, tool use, and the latest news in the housing and real estate industries.