Worth Bringing Into Your Home

Lucky Plants

Even though its coin-shaped foliage isn’t likely to coin money for you, pileas are so attractive and easy to care for that you probably won’t care.

2. Desert Rose  (Adenium obesum)

The desert rose is considered a lucky plant since the plumpness of its swollen trunk represents financial abundance.

Oxalis species such as O. deppei are considered lucky plants for indoors, probably because these houseplants’ foliage closely resemble shamrocks or four-leafed clovers.

Part of the good luck associated with them may be due to their genus name, which means “live forever.”

5. Jade Plant  (Crassula ovata)

The jade plant may have gained some of its reputation as a lucky plant due to its association with the “blessed” stone that shares its name.

Just as jasmine’s scent draws people in for a closer sniff, the jasmine plant’s lucky flowers—usually white and star-shaped—supposedly draw love and lucre to you, too.

It’s sometimes sold growing in water rather than soil, and the type of good fortune it might bring you depends on how many stalks—rather than stocks—you buy.

8. Lucky Bean Plant (Castanospermum australe)

The plant and its polished pinnate foliage can reach a height of 6 feet when grown in a container.

According to legend, this lucky tree derived its name from a poor man who gathered and sold its edible chestnut-like seeds to make his fortune.

Touted as a houseplant that improves indoor air quality, some claim that peace lilies clear air of negative energy and toxins, leaving a home, well, peaceful!

11. Silver Dollar Tree (Eucalyptus cinerea)

Gum trees aren’t particularly easy houseplants, however, as they require chilly conditions during winter and often won’t recover from a severe wilt.

The plant, with its strappy leaves, comes in entirely green varieties or can be streaked with tropical sunset shades, such as red, orange, or pink.