Is the

Monarch Butterfly


The Monarch Butterfly  Is Now Endangered

In July, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added the migrating monarch butterfly to its “red list” of threatened species and categorized it as “endangered.”

Why Monarch Butterflies Are So Important

It is thanks to pollinators, such as butterflies, that we have many of the flowers and dietary staples that we enjoy, like squash and blueberries.

Why Monarch Butterflies Are Endangered

First, monarchs are threatened by widespread habitat loss. In addition, pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture are killing butterflies and the pollinator-attracting milkweed plants they rely on.

- Plant milkweed - Choose native nectar plants - Avoid pesticides - Set up a butterfly puddling station - Certify your butterfly garden

Other Ways to Help Monarch Butterflies

- Educate others about declining monarch butterfly populations - Advocate for native habitat restoration - Encourage local leaders to join the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge