The front room of the Manhattan Brownstone is getting its finishing touches as prefabricated oversize cove molding is installed at the ceiling.
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The front room of the Manhattan Brownstone is getting its finishing touches as prefabricated oversize cove molding is installed at the ceiling. This molding is made of plaster and fiberglass strands to make it sturdy but light. The windows are then finished with a casing the depth of the masonry wall. Once it is nailed in place, the Victorian profile molding can be installed around the window and up to the cove molding at the ceiling. These high-profile moldings can now be made of one piece of wood, but the Victorians would have layered different profiles, one on top of the other, to achieve the same look. The molding is set with panel adhesive then nailed in place. This traditional window casing design features a header and casing running down to a plinth or decorative block at the base.