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Redwood Deck Installation and Tour of Vermont Organic Farm

Bob talks with Ron Holen from Georgia-Pacific as the finishing touches are completed on the redwood front porch deck. Bob also visits with farmers at Cedar Mountain Farm at the Cobb Hill co-housing site to learn more about the agrarian way of life.

Clip Summary

Bob talks with Ron Holen from Georgia-Pacific as carpenter Pat Cloutier puts the finishing touches on the redwood front porch deck. Ron points out the advantages of redwood-- it is naturally resistant to decay and insects; it's extremely dimensionally stable; it's lightweight; and it's easy to work with using traditional tools, plus it has a beautiful salmon pink color.

Redwood should always be installed with the bark face up to prevent the grain from lifting up or having it cup on you. Today's redwood is all from second growth trees from the California redwood region.

Bob visits with farmers Steve and Kerry to learn more about the agrarian way of life at the Cedar Mountain Farm at the Cobb Hill co-housing site. Steve and Kerry rely on their Norwegian Fjord horses for the majority of their cultivation, but do have a tractor as a backup. They have 7 acres of farmland with 5 1/2 acres planted in vegetables.

The farm is a CSA farm (community supported agriculture). Local people interact directly with the farmers, buying a subscription for 22 weeks of vegetable deliveries in season. The farming is completely organic with soil fertility based mostly on composted horse and cow manure.