Planting a Tree in the Patio

Bob meets with Mark Marini to discuss implementation of the landscaping plans and plant a thundercloud plum tree in the bluestone terrace.

Clip Summary

Bob meets with Mark Marini to discuss implementation of the landscaping plans and plant a thundercloud plum tree in the bluestone terrace. Bob talks through the process and learns about the soil used around the roots and the initial watering schedule.


Well, now were going to talk about some of the large plant material, and Mark Marini is with me.

This is called a what?

It's a Chamaecyparis.

And specifically, it's a hinoki cypress, right?

Hinoki cypres.

Its the..

The Latin term.

The Latin term, OK. I love these.

This is a good eight foot tall specimen.
How tall will they get?

This'll get to be about 15 feet.


Well that's a good size.

So we've got two of these here now, but there's some more.

We have to decide whether we want to add some more in here and actually create a grouping, right?

Right. We might end up putting some more down through here.

I'm going put a call into our landscape architect, Nancy Lamb, and see if she can help us decide.

What's some of this other material that's in here.

Well, we have some azalea over here.


And rhododendrons.


And then those are viburnums in the back, with the red berries, right?

That's right.

And the idea here was to have a lot of show in the spring time and in the fall but not much in the summer.

That's right.

And I know that, we've got a lot of under planting here, right?

There will be ground cover and then perennials in through this area after.

The bulbs and the like.


But right now, oh look these are in here too. OK. We got more of these viburnums back here which, these get pretty tall also, right?

These will get up to about 12, 13 feet.

And don't they bloom in the spring?

They will also bloom in the spring.

Yeah. wonderful, wonderful.

Okay, now. The main thing that we are about to do is what we were preparing for last week. This is how deep this pit that we've left here.

It's about 18 inches down from the finished paving.

But, below that you supplied another 2 and a half feet of.

There's plenty of loam in there.

Of loam in there.

Where's its a paved area, you want to leave a lot of.

This specimen is coming in right now.

What do you call this again?
It's a plum. But what kind of plum?

It's a thundercloud plum.


OK and that probably weighs 400 pounds or there about?

Well, a little better than that.

These two fellows are accustomed to dealing with this. So it's just a question of rolling and pivoting and getting it to come into the hole without too much damage the roof ball.

OK. Roll it in to the hole and you're easy with the tree. Manny's holding on to the top of the tree so it doesn't bang into anything on the way into the hole.

You got it Manny?



Yeah, they have done that before.

Yes they have.


And now the idea is to center it in the hole.

Right, you want a tree exactly in the center of the opening.

How tall is this going to grow?

Again, this will be about fifteen feet at maturity too.

OK, and so one would expect it, when it is mature in another five years or so.

No. You're gonna
We going for another 15 years before.

Is that height?

It hits that height.

Before it hits that height?

So, Wwen it is an old tree and I'm an old man the the shade in this whole area of the terrace should be very very nice.

Yes, you see the upright habit of the tree, you will be able to walk underneath it and its going to give up on a shade for the whole area.

It looks a little droopy to me, right now when it was put into a ball.

Well, this ball and burlap four days ago. We have been watering this everyday it is going to be happier in the home.

Yes and of course this is October that were putting this in. And so it's the best time in the year just before it goes to tournament, right

That's right.

When you have got the ball like that you get all tied up do you open it up untie it or
what do you do?

We are going to on time, remove all the Burlap on the top of the tree.

Man he's just back.

Going around it with the planting mix to straighten it up for now.

What is the planting mix?

Its top soil, its five part top soil, one part P mass and we add in some Decompose cow manure.

So its pretty rich stuff?

It is.

What we're doing is, we're removing all the twine from the top of root ball,
were going to remove all that burlap on top of the root ball.

We can fold down some of the burlap on the sides.
It is biodegradable and it will decay in about a year or so.

But isn't there a danger of wicking if you keep a lot of this stuff?

There is.

If you lose the moisture to the tree?

Only if it's expose to the air. If you fold down the burlap deep enough you'd have no wicking.


Well, that's a pretty site.

Yeah, it's all done.

Now, what kind of care do we have to give this little tree it?

Well you just have to water it the same way Manny is watering it now.
You want to soak it very well, everyday for about a week or so.

Oh , everyday?


For the first week.

Even though it's already October and its cooler? It still wants the water.


So it has to set itself up for the winter.


Now, according the landscape plan we're going to under plant this with a heather.

Can that be done in the fall, now? Or do we have to to wait?

No, we can do it now.


We'll mulch this and then we can plant the heather.


Well, that'll take a couple of weeks and we are short on time.

We've got to break for messages don't go away.

Well, its going to be a beautiful tree.
We're running out of time.

Come home again. Next time we'll show you how to restore an antique light fixture and install it.

Also, a brand new set of dimmers.

Also, Riley will be aboard. He's helping us put the finishing touches on restoring part of the staircase and balustrade.

Until then, I'm Bob Vila. It's good to have you home again.