Tour of Luxury Loft Space and Brick Facade History and Restoration
Bob tours the multi-story luxury loft space of developer and artist Jane Walentas. Next, Bob and his son, Chris, consult with Cas Stachelberg about the history, and restoration, of the warehouse building's façade.
Clip Summary
Bob pays another visit to developer and artist Jane Walentas, this time getting a tour of her multi-story luxury loft space around the corner from the project building. Bob and Chris once again meet up with Cas Stachelberg from Higgins and Quasebarth to talk more about the façade restoration. Higgins and Quasebarth is a New York City firm focused on the preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties. Stachelberg sizes up the restoration work by first describing the original high quality brick from the building's original use as a residence. The masonry works transitions to a more common brick with large mortar joints that was added when the building was converted to commercial use. Moving along the facade, Stachelberg points out the bluestone stairs, which were likely added during the building's commercial conversion. In disrepair, the stairs are now delaminating from decades of exposure to New York weather. The restoration expert also notes the brownstone sill on the other side of the building, which he believes was the building's original entrance.
Clips in Interior Construction and Skylight Install